Author's Notes:
What's inside!
- Improved face_sweatstreaks and chest_sweatstreaks.
- New and high quality sweat_normal.
- Sweat works in 12 minutes and is progressive (The more a player is used the more sweat).
- male_skin.iff for the perfect balance of sweat.

Credits to:
- Billows for his files from his global
- Psamyou'll for the chest and net files
- Lagoa, used his 2k20 global as reference for face_sweatstreaks

Shoutout to DEIBYS2KMOD & Anderson for being part of the process.

Programs used:
- ShaderMap in creating the sweat_normal, face_sweatstreaks, chest_sweatstreaks
- Photoshop & NVIDIA Texture Tools (For .DDS files)
- Notepad++

How to use this mod?
1. Download the file (link below) and extract it.
2. Copy global and male_skin to your mods folder.
3. Run your game and check if its working.

If you have any questions, follow and message me here JBOX PH.

Credits and thanks to Author: Brakayer